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Ghost Hormone Progesterone: The Overlooked Hero in Women's Health
Hormones, giving birth, gaining weight, advancing age and menopause... All these factors play an effective role in women's genital aesthetic appereanced. One of the surgeries that has been frequently applied in recent years is labiaplasty. With advancing age, wrinkles and sagging in the skin are the first changes that stand over time. The vagina also faces negative changes observed over time that causes the person to be negatively affected not only in cosmetic terms but also psychologically.
What is Labium?
The skin folds surrounding the entrance of the vagina are called labiums. These are in two layers; those inside are called labium minus and those outside are called labium majus. Although the shape, size and color of labiums vary a lot from person to person, due to conditions such as childbearing, weight gain, age and menopause these can change over time in a negative way.
What is labioplasty?
It is the surgical reduction and correction of the labium minuses, that is, the inner lips. More rarely, non-surgical aesthetic interventions can be performed with injections such as hyaluronic acid to the labium majus, that is, the outer lips.
In which cases is labiaplasty performed?
The most important point in labioplasty operations is to be ethical to the patient. Patients who want to have such a surgery should first be informed. It should be reported to the patient that it is normal for labiums to vary a lot and to change over time. After this information, only if there is a real clinical, physical and physcological requirement labiaplasty can be performed.
So, in what cases is labiaplasty surgery performed?
Having skin folds depending on the size of the labiums
uncomfortable image when wearing a swimsuit,bikini,jeans or leggings.
Labiums are not large or symmetrical
Feeling pain when wearing pants due to skin folds
Negative reflection on self-confidence and psychology
Feeling pain during sexual intercourse due to the folds entering the vagina
What are the techniques applied in labioplasty surgeries?
Labial trimming: Labial trimming is one of the most common labiaplasty techniques. After sterile conditions are prepared under anesthesia, the excess tissues on the edges of the labium are cut with surgical scissors or laser to reduce the labiums, and some sewing techniques are used when necessary after bleeding control.
Wedge resection: It is referred to as wedge resection or V technique. After the sterile conditions are prepared under anesthesia, wedge-shaped incisions are made on the labium minuses to remove excess tissue, and then the cut ends are combined with sutures.
Less preferred operations such as epithelialization Z technique and central wedge resection are also performed within the scope of labiaplasty surgery.
Is general anesthesia or local anesthesia preferred in labioplasty surgeries?
Labiaplasty can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. The patient and the doctor are decisive as two factorsc here. If there is no factor that negatively affects the comfort of the patient and the doctor, general anesthesia is preferred to minimize complications. General anesthesia is more advantageous in labiaplasty surgeries.
How long is the recovery time in labiaplasty surgeries?
After labiaplasty surgery, the person usually stays in the hospital for one night and then is discharged. After discharge, the patient should apply antoseptic solutions to the area where the surgery has done for 1 week. Antibiotics are used orally or locally during the healing process. In the postoperative period, there may be minimally heavy and painkillers can be used.
What are the complications related to labiaplasty surgery?
After labiaplasty surgeries, complications such as not symmetrical labiums, removal of too much tissue, risk of bleeding - infection and long-term scarring can be listed. There may also be loss of sensation due to excess tissue removal and painful sexual intercourse. For this reason, the patient should be well informed before the surgery, it is of great importance to choose the right patient, to plan the right technique and to perform this surgery by an experienced specialist doctor.